The Speech to SQL system is a powerful tool that converts spoken language into SQL queries. It combines advanced speech recognition with natural language processing to enable hands-free database interactions.
Key Features:
Real-time Speech Processing: Captures and processes voice input in real-time, supporting various microphone configurations.
Accurate Speech Recognition: Uses Whisper model for reliable speech-to-text conversion with support for clear English queries.
SQL Query Generation: Transforms natural language questions into properly formatted SQL queries.
Before we begin, let's install all necessary packages. This tutorial requires several Python packages for speech processing, SQL operations, and machine learning:
LangChain Components:
langchain-community: Core LangChain functionality and community components
langchain-openai: OpenAI integration
langchain-core: Essential LangChain components
Database and API:
openai: For OpenAI API access
sqlalchemy: For database operations
python-dotenv: For environment variable management
torch: For faster-whisper
Audio Processing:
sounddevice: For audio capture
numpy: For data processing
wavio: For audio file handling
faster-whisper: For speech recognition
Additional dependencies:
blosc2: For data compression
cython: For Python-C integration
black: For code formatting
After running the installation cell, you may need to restart the kernel for the changes to take effect. We'll verify the installation in the next step.
Windows Users: Important Note
If you encounter a permission error during installation such as "Access is denied", you have two options:
Use the --user option with pip (recommended):
This installs packages in your user directory, avoiding permission issues
We've already included this option in the installation command
Alternative: Run Jupyter as Administrator:
Only if the first option doesn't work
Right-click on Jupyter Notebook
Select "Run as administrator"
Then try the installation again
After installation, you'll need to restart the kernel regardless of which method you use.
After installation and kernel restart, run the verification cell below to ensure everything is set up correctly:
Run the following cells to install all required packages:
After running the installation cell, you might see messages like: This is normal! Here's what you need to do:
'Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.'
First, look for the "✓ All packages installed successfully!" message to confirm the installation worked
Then, restart the Jupyter kernel to ensure all packages are properly loaded:
Click on the "Kernel" menu at the top
Select "Restart Kernel..."
Click "Restart" when prompted
After restarting the kernel, run the following verification cell to make sure everything is set up correctly:
Now let's verify that everything is ready to use:
import sounddevice as sd
import numpy as np
from faster_whisper import WhisperModel
print("✓ All set! Let's move on to the next step.")
except ImportError as e:
print(f"✗ Something's missing. Please try running the installation command again.")
✓ All set! Let's move on to the next step.
Verifying Package Installation
After installing the packages and restarting the kernel, let's verify that everything is set up correctly.
If you see any ✗ marks, it means that package wasn't installed correctly. Try these steps:
Run the installation cell again
Restart the kernel
Run the verification cell again
If you still see errors, make sure you have sufficient permissions and a stable internet connection.
# Import necessary libraries
import sounddevice as sd
import numpy as np
import wavio
import os
import time
from faster_whisper import WhisperModel
import torch
from dotenv import load_dotenv
# Load environment variables
Audio Device Configuration
A crucial first step is selecting the correct audio input device. Let's identify and configure your system's microphone.
Note: You'll see a filtered list of input devices only, making it easier to choose the correct microphone.
def list_audio_input_devices():
"""Display only audio input devices with clear formatting."""
print("\nAvailable Audio Input Devices:")
print("=" * 50)
input_devices = []
for idx, device in enumerate(sd.query_devices()):
if device['max_input_channels'] > 0: # Only show input devices
# Skip duplicate devices (different APIs)
device_name = device['name'].split(',')[0] # Remove API information
if not any(d['name'].startswith(device_name) for d in input_devices):
'index': idx,
'name': device_name,
'channels': device['max_input_channels'],
'sample_rate': device['default_samplerate']
print(f"Device {idx}: {device_name}")
print(f" Channels: {device['max_input_channels']}")
print(f" Sample Rate: {device['default_samplerate']}Hz")
print("-" * 50)
return input_devices
# List available input devices
input_devices = list_audio_input_devices()
Available Audio Input Devices:
Device 0: Microsoft 사운드 매퍼 - Input
Channels: 2
Sample Rate: 44100.0Hz
Device 1: 마이크 배열(디지털 마이크용 인텔® 스마트 사운드 기술)
Channels: 2
Sample Rate: 44100.0Hz
Device 4: 주 사운드 캡처 드라이버
Channels: 2
Sample Rate: 44100.0Hz
Device 8: Realtek ASIO
Channels: 2
Sample Rate: 44100.0Hz
Device 13: PC Speaker (Realtek HD Audio output with SST)
Channels: 2
Sample Rate: 48000.0Hz
Device 14: Input 1 (Realtek HD Audio Mic input with SST)
Channels: 2
Sample Rate: 48000.0Hz
Device 15: Input 2 (Realtek HD Audio Mic input with SST)
Channels: 4
Sample Rate: 16000.0Hz
Device 16: Stereo Mix (Realtek HD Audio Stereo input)
Channels: 2
Sample Rate: 48000.0Hz
Device 18: Headset (@System32\drivers\bthhfenum.sys
Channels: 1
Sample Rate: 8000.0Hz
Device 19: Microphone Array 1 ()
Channels: 2
Sample Rate: 48000.0Hz
Device 20: Microphone Array 2 ()
Channels: 4
Sample Rate: 16000.0Hz
Device 22: Headset Microphone (@System32\drivers\bthhfenum.sys
Channels: 1
Sample Rate: 8000.0Hz
def test_audio_device(device_index, duration=1):
Test if an audio device works properly.
device_index (int): The index of the device to test
duration (float): Test duration in seconds
bool: True if device works, False otherwise
print(f"Testing audio device {device_index}...")
with sd.InputStream(device=device_index, channels=1, samplerate=16000):
print("✓ Device initialized successfully")
return True
except Exception as e:
print(f"✗ Device test failed: {str(e)}")
return False
Audio Device Selection and Testing
After viewing the available devices above, you'll need to select and test your microphone. Choose a device with input channels (marked as "Channels: X" where X > 0).
Important Tips:
Choose a device with clear device name (avoid generic names like "Default Input")
Prefer devices with 1 or 2 input channels
If using a USB microphone, make sure it's properly connected
Test the device before proceeding to actual recording
# Let's test the first available input device as default
if input_devices:
default_device = input_devices[0]
print(f"\nTesting default device: {default_device['name']}")
if test_audio_device(default_device['index']):
# Set as default device
os.environ['DEFAULT_DEVICE'] = str(default_device['index'])
os.environ['SAMPLE_RATE'] = str(int(default_device['sample_rate']))
print(f"\nDefault device set to: {default_device['name']}")
print(f"Sample rate: {default_device['sample_rate']}Hz")
print("\nPlease select a different device and try again.")
print("\nNo input devices found. Please check your microphone connection.")
Testing default device: Microsoft 사운드 매퍼 - Input
Testing audio device 0...
✓ Device initialized successfully
Default device set to: Microsoft 사운드 매퍼 - Input
Sample rate: 44100.0Hz
Speech Recognition Setup
Now let's set up the speech recognition component using the Whisper model.
Note: The first time you run this, it will download the Whisper model. This might take a few minutes depending on your internet connection.
def initialize_whisper():
"""Initialize the Whisper model."""
# Initialize Whisper model with base configuration
model = WhisperModel(
model_size_or_path="base", # Using 'base' model for faster CPU processing
compute_type="int8" # Optimized for CPU
print("✓ Whisper model initialized successfully")
return model
except Exception as e:
print(f"✗ Error initializing Whisper model: {str(e)}")
print("Please make sure all packages are installed correctly.")
return None
model = initialize_whisper()
✓ Whisper model initialized successfully
Basic Usage
Let's implement the core components for speech-to-SQL conversion. We'll create a robust system that can:
Record audio from your microphone
Convert speech to text
Transform the text into SQL queries
Step 1: Record Audio from Your Microphone
The AudioRecorder class records audio input from the user's microphone and saves it as a temporary audio file.
# 1. Record audio from your microphone
import sounddevice as sd
import numpy as np
import wavio
import tempfile
class AudioRecorder:
def __init__(self):
self._samplerate = 16000
self.audio_data = []
self.recording = False = None
def start_recording(self, device_id=0):
"""Start recording audio"""
try: = sd.InputStream(
self.audio_data = []
self.recording = True
print("Recording started. Speak now!")
return True
except Exception as e:
print(f"Recording failed: {str(e)}")
return False
def _audio_callback(self, indata, frames, time, status):
if self.recording:
def stop_and_process(self):
"""Stop recording and save audio data"""
self.recording = False
if len(self.audio_data) > 0:
audio = np.concatenate(self.audio_data)
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".wav") as tmpfile:
wavio.write(, audio, self._samplerate, sampwidth=2)
return None
Step 2: Convert Speech to Text
We use the Whisper model for accurate transcription of recorded audio into text.
# 2. Convert speech to text
from faster_whisper import WhisperModel
def initialize_whisper():
"""Initialize the Whisper model with English language setting"""
return WhisperModel("base", device="cpu", compute_type="int8")
class AudioProcessor:
def __init__(self, model):
self.model = model
def transcribe_audio(self, audio_file):
"""Transcribe audio to text using Whisper with English language enforcement"""
segments, _ = self.model.transcribe(audio_file, language="en")
return " ".join([segment.text for segment in segments])
except Exception as e:
print(f"Transcription failed: {str(e)}")
return None
Step 3: Transform Text into SQL Queries
We use the LangChain library to transform natural language text into SQL queries.
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_core.messages import HumanMessage
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
class SQLQueryGenerator:
def __init__(self):
self.llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o", temperature=0)
self.template = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([
("system", "You are an SQL query generator."),
("human", "{query_text}")
def generate_sql(self, query_text):
prompt = self.template.format_messages(query_text=query_text)
result = self.llm.invoke(prompt)
return result.content
except Exception as e:
return f"Error: {str(e)}"
Step 4: Putting It All Together
Finally, we combine all the components into a single process that listens for audio input, transcribes it, and generates an SQL query.
import time
def process_speech_to_sql(duration=5):
"""Main function for speech-to-SQL conversion"""
print("\n=== Starting Speech to SQL Process ===")
print("Recording will start in:")
for i in range(3, 0, -1):
# Step 1: Record Audio
recorder = AudioRecorder()
if recorder.start_recording():
print("\nSpeak your query now... (10 seconds)")
audio_file = recorder.stop_and_process()
print(f"Saved audio file: {audio_file}")
# Step 2: Speech-to-Text
if audio_file:
model = initialize_whisper()
processor = AudioProcessor(model)
print("Processing audio...")
text = processor.transcribe_audio(audio_file)
print(f"Transcribed Text: {text}")
# Step 3: SQL Query Generation
sql_generator = SQLQueryGenerator()
sql_query = sql_generator.generate_sql(text)
print(f"Generated SQL Query: {sql_query}")
return sql_query
Let's try it out! Run this command to start recording:
=== Starting Speech to SQL Process ===
Recording will start in:
Recording started. Speak now!
Speak your query now... (10 seconds)
Saved audio file: C:\Users\rhkre\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp47m8xvlx.wav
Processing audio...
Transcribed Text: Find Top 10 Customers by Revenue
Generated SQL Query: To find the top 10 customers by revenue, you would typically need a table that contains customer information and a table that records transactions or orders, including the revenue generated by each transaction. Assuming you have a `customers` table and an `orders` table, where the `orders` table includes a `customer_id` and a `revenue` column, you can use the following SQL query:
SELECT c.customer_id, c.customer_name, SUM(o.revenue) AS total_revenue
FROM customers c
JOIN orders o ON c.customer_id = o.customer_id
GROUP BY c.customer_id, c.customer_name
ORDER BY total_revenue DESC
This query does the following:
- Joins the `customers` table with the `orders` table on the `customer_id`.
- Groups the results by each customer to calculate the total revenue for each customer.
- Orders the results in descending order based on the total revenue.
- Limits the results to the top 10 customers.
Make sure to replace `customer_name` and `revenue` with the actual column names used in your database schema if they differ.
Example Queries
Here are some example queries you can try with the system:
"Show sales figures for the last quarter"
"Find top 10 customers by revenue"
"List all products with inventory below 100 units"
"Calculate total sales by region"
"Get employee performance metrics for 2023"
These queries demonstrate the range of SQL operations our system can handle.
Advanced Usage and Troubleshooting
Common Issues and Solutions
No audio device found
Check if your microphone is properly connected
Try unplugging and reconnecting your microphone
Verify microphone permissions in your OS settings
Poor recognition accuracy
Speak clearly and at a moderate pace
Minimize background noise
Keep the microphone at an appropriate distance
Device initialization errors
Try selecting a different audio device
Restart your Python kernel
Check if another application is using the microphone