Setting up your environment is the first step. See the Environment Setup guide for more details.
The langchain-opentutorial is a package of easy-to-use environment setup guidance, useful functions and utilities for tutorials. Check out the langchain-opentutorial for more details.
You can set API keys in a .env file or set them manually.
[Note] If you’re not using the .env file, no worries! Just enter the keys directly in the cell below, and you’re good to go.
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from langchain_opentutorial import set_env
# Attempt to load environment variables from a .env file; if unsuccessful, set them manually.
if not load_dotenv():
"LANGCHAIN_PROJECT": "", # set the project name same as the title
Pairwise Evaluation
Now, you can generate a dataset from these example executions.
Only the inputs need to be saved.
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplate
from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser
def evaluate_pairwise(runs: list, example) -> dict:
A simple evaluator for pairwise answers to score based on engagement
# Save scores
scores = {}
for i, run in enumerate(runs):
scores[] = i
# Execution pairs for each example
answer_a = runs[0].outputs["answer"]
answer_b = runs[1].outputs["answer"]
question = example.inputs["question"]
# LLM with function calls, using a high-performance model
llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o-mini", temperature=0)
# Structured prompt
grade_prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(
You are an LLM judge. Compare the following two answers to a question and determine which one is better.
Better answer is the one that is more detailed and informative.
If the answer is not related to the question, it is not a good answer.
# Question:
#Answer A:
#Answer B:
Output should be either `A` or `B`. Pick the answer that is better.
answer_grader = grade_prompt | llm | StrOutputParser()
# Obtain scores
score = answer_grader.invoke(
"question": question,
"answer_a": answer_a,
"answer_b": answer_b,
# score = score["Preference"]
# Map execution assignments based on scores
if score == "A": # Preference for Assistant A
scores[runs[0].id] = 1
scores[runs[1].id] = 0
elif score == "B": # Preference for Assistant B
scores[runs[0].id] = 0
scores[runs[1].id] = 1
scores[runs[0].id] = 0
scores[runs[1].id] = 0
return {"key": "ranked_preference", "scores": scores}
Conduct a comparative evaluation.
from langsmith.evaluation import evaluate_comparative
# Replace with an array of experiment names or IDs
# Array of evaluators
View the pairwise evaluation results at:
0%| | 0/6 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
<langsmith.evaluation._runner.ComparativeExperimentResults at 0x105fc5bd0>