This document provides a comprehensive guide to building and evaluating RAG systems using LangChain tools. It demonstrates how to define RAG performance testing functions, and utilize summary evaluators for relevance assessment. By leveraging models like GPT-4o-mini and Ollama , you can evaluate the relevance of generated answers and questions effectively.
Setting up your environment is the first step. See the Environment Setup guide for more details.
The langchain-opentutorial is a package of easy-to-use environment setup guidance, useful functions and utilities for tutorials. Check out the langchain-opentutorial for more details.
You can set API keys in a .env file or set them manually.
[Note] If you’re not using the .env file, no worries! Just enter the keys directly in the cell below, and you’re good to go.
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from langchain_opentutorial import set_env
# Attempt to load environment variables from a .env file; if unsuccessful, set them manually.
if not load_dotenv():
"LANGCHAIN_PROJECT": "10-LangSmith-Summary-Evaluation", # set the project name same as the title
Environment variables have been set successfully.
Defining a Function for RAG Performance Testing
We’ll create a RAG system for testing purposes.
from myrag import PDFRAG
# Function to generate answers for questions
def ask_question_with_llm(llm):
# Create a PDFRAG object
rag = PDFRAG(
# Create a retriever
retriever = rag.create_retriever()
# Create a chain
rag_chain = rag.create_chain(retriever)
def _ask_question(inputs: dict):
# Retrieve context for the question
context = retriever.invoke(inputs["question"])
# Combine retrieved documents into a single string
context = "\n".join([doc.page_content for doc in context])
# Return a dictionary with the question, context, and answer
return {
"question": inputs["question"],
"context": context,
"answer": rag_chain.invoke(inputs["question"]),
return _ask_question
We’ll create functions using GPT-4o-mini and Ollama model to answer questions.
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
from langchain_ollama import ChatOllama
gpt_chain = ask_question_with_llm(ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o-mini", temperature=0))
ollama_chain = ask_question_with_llm(ChatOllama(model="llama3.2:1b"))
The OpenAIRelevanceGrader evaluates whether the question , context , and answer are relevant.
target="retrieval-question" : Evaluates the relevance of the question to the context .
target="retrieval-answer" : Evaluates the relevance of the answer to the context .
We first need to define OpenAIRelevanceGrader.
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from langchain_core.output_parsers import PydanticOutputParser
from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplate
# Data Models
class GradeRetrievalQuestion(BaseModel):
"""A binary score to determine the relevance of the retrieved documents to the question."""
score: str = Field(
description="Whether the retrieved context is relevant to the question, 'yes' or 'no'"
# Data Models
class GradeRetrievalAnswer(BaseModel):
"""A binary score to determine the relevance of the retrieved documents to the answer."""
score: str = Field(
description="Whether the retrieved context is relevant to the answer, 'yes' or 'no'"
class OpenAIRelevanceGrader:
OpenAI-based relevance grader class.
This class evaluates how relevant a retrieved document is to a given question or answer.
It operates in two modes: 'retrieval-question' or 'retrieval-answer'.
llm: The language model instance to use
structured_llm_grader: LLM instance generating structured outputs
grader_prompt: Prompt template for evaluation
llm: The language model instance to use
target (str): Target of the evaluation ('retrieval-question' or 'retrieval-answer')
def __init__(self, llm, target="retrieval-question"):
Initialization method for the OpenAIRelevanceGrader class.
llm: The language model instance to use
target (str): Target of the evaluation ('retrieval-question' or 'retrieval-answer')
ValueError: Raised if an invalid target value is provided
self.llm = llm
if target == "retrieval-question":
self.structured_llm_grader = llm.with_structured_output(
elif target == "retrieval-answer":
self.structured_llm_grader = llm.with_structured_output(
raise ValueError(f"Invalid target: {target}")
# Prompt
target_variable = (
"user question" if target == "retrieval-question" else "answer"
system = f"""You are a grader assessing relevance of a retrieved document to a {target_variable}. \n
It does not need to be a stringent test. The goal is to filter out erroneous retrievals. \n
If the document contains keyword(s) or semantic meaning related to the {target_variable}, grade it as relevant. \n
Give a binary score 'yes' or 'no' score to indicate whether the document is relevant to {target_variable}."""
grade_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
("system", system),
f"Retrieved document: \n\n {{context}} \n\n {target_variable}: {{input}}",
self.grader_prompt = grade_prompt
def create(self):
Creates and returns the relevance grader.
Chain object for performing relevance evaluation
retrieval_grader_oai = self.grader_prompt | self.structured_llm_grader
return retrieval_grader_oai
class GroundnessQuestionScore(BaseModel):
"""Binary scores for relevance checks"""
score: str = Field(
description="relevant or not relevant. Answer 'yes' if the answer is relevant to the question else answer 'no'"
class GroundnessAnswerRetrievalScore(BaseModel):
"""Binary scores for relevance checks"""
score: str = Field(
description="relevant or not relevant. Answer 'yes' if the answer is relevant to the retrieved document else answer 'no'"
class GroundnessQuestionRetrievalScore(BaseModel):
"""Binary scores for relevance checks"""
score: str = Field(
description="relevant or not relevant. Answer 'yes' if the question is relevant to the retrieved document else answer 'no'"
class GroundednessChecker:
GroundednessChecker class evaluates the accuracy of a document.
This class evaluates whether a given document is accurate.
It returns one of two values: 'yes' or 'no'.
llm (BaseLLM): The language model instance to use
target (str): Evaluation target ('retrieval-answer', 'question-answer', or 'question-retrieval')
def __init__(self, llm, target="retrieval-answer"):
Constructor for the GroundednessChecker class.
llm (BaseLLM): The language model instance to use
target (str): Evaluation target ('retrieval-answer', 'question-answer', or 'question-retrieval')
self.llm = llm = target
def create(self):
Creates a chain for groundedness evaluation.
Chain: Object for performing groundedness evaluation
# Parser
if == "retrieval-answer":
llm = self.llm.with_structured_output(GroundnessAnswerRetrievalScore)
elif == "question-answer":
llm = self.llm.with_structured_output(GroundnessQuestionScore)
elif == "question-retrieval":
llm = self.llm.with_structured_output(GroundnessQuestionRetrievalScore)
raise ValueError(f"Invalid target: {}")
# Prompt selection
if == "retrieval-answer":
template = """You are a grader assessing relevance of a retrieved document to a user question. \n
Here is the retrieved document: \n\n {context} \n\n
Here is the answer: {answer} \n
If the document contains keyword(s) or semantic meaning related to the user answer, grade it as relevant. \n
Give a binary score 'yes' or 'no' score to indicate whether the retrieved document is relevant to the answer."""
input_vars = ["context", "answer"]
elif == "question-answer":
template = """You are a grader assessing whether an answer appropriately addresses the given question. \n
Here is the question: \n\n {question} \n\n
Here is the answer: {answer} \n
If the answer directly addresses the question and provides relevant information, grade it as relevant. \n
Consider both semantic meaning and factual accuracy in your assessment. \n
Give a binary score 'yes' or 'no' score to indicate whether the answer is relevant to the question."""
input_vars = ["question", "answer"]
elif == "question-retrieval":
template = """You are a grader assessing whether a retrieved document is relevant to the given question. \n
Here is the question: \n\n {question} \n\n
Here is the retrieved document: \n\n {context} \n
If the document contains information that could help answer the question, grade it as relevant. \n
Consider both semantic meaning and potential usefulness for answering the question. \n
Give a binary score 'yes' or 'no' score to indicate whether the retrieved document is relevant to the question."""
input_vars = ["question", "context"]
raise ValueError(f"Invalid target: {}")
# Create the prompt
prompt = PromptTemplate(
# Chain
chain = prompt | llm
return chain
Then, set retrieval-question grader and retriever-answer grader.
"input": "What are the three targeted learnings to enhance model performance?",
"context": """
The three targeted learning approaches to enhance model performance mentioned in the context are:
1. Pre-training-based learning
2. Fine-tuning based learning
3. Using External Memory
"input": """
The three targeted learning approaches to enhance model performance mentioned in the context are:
1. In-context learning
2. Fine-tuning based learning
3. Using External Memory
"context": """
The three targeted learning approaches to enhance model performance mentioned in the context are:
1. Pre-training-based learning
2. Fine-tuning based learning
3. Using External Memory
Summary Evaluator for Relevance Assessment
Certain metrics can only be defined at the experiment level rather than for individual runs of an experiment.
For example, you may want to calculate the evaluation score of a classifier across all runs initiated from a dataset.
This is referred to as summary_evaluators.
These evaluators take lists of Runs and Examples instead of single instances.
from typing import List
from langsmith.schemas import Example, Run
from langsmith.evaluation import evaluate
def relevance_score_summary_evaluator(runs: List[Run], examples: List[Example]) -> dict:
rq_scores = 0 # Question relevance score
ra_scores = 0 # Answer relevance score
for run, example in zip(runs, examples):
question = example.inputs["question"]
context = run.outputs["context"]
prediction = run.outputs["answer"]
# Evaluate question relevance
rq_score = rq_grader.invoke(
"input": question,
"context": context,
# Evaluate answer relevance
ra_score = ra_grader.invoke(
"input": prediction,
"context": context,
# Accumulate relevance scores
if rq_score.score == "yes":
rq_scores += 1
if ra_score.score == "yes":
ra_scores += 1
# Calculate the final relevance score (average of question and answer relevance)
final_score = ((rq_scores / len(runs)) + (ra_scores / len(runs))) / 2
return {"key": "relevance_score", "score": final_score}
View the evaluation results for experiment: 'SUMMARY_EVAL-6a120022' at:
0it [00:00, ?it/s]
View the evaluation results for experiment: 'SUMMARY_EVAL-a04c0d31' at:
0it [00:00, ?it/s]
Check the result.
[ Note ]
Results are not available for individual datasets but can be reviewed at the experiment level.