This tutorial focuses on implementing and comparing different ensemble retrieval methods in LangChain. While LangChain's built-in EnsembleRetriever uses the Reciprocal Rank Fusion (RRF) method, we'll explore an additional approach by implementing the Convex Combination (CC) method.
The tutorial guides you through creating custom implementations of both RRF and CC methods , allowing for a direct performance comparison between these ensemble techniques.
You can alternatively set OPENAI_API_KEY in .env file and load it.
[Note] This is not necessary if you've already set OPENAI_API_KEY in previous steps.
from dotenv import load_dotenv
# Load API key information
Process Document
This section outlines the preparation process for processing PDF documents before storing them in a vector store.
We use PDFPlumberLoader to load the PDF file and leverage RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter to break down the document into smaller, manageable chunks.
The chunk size is set to 200 characters with no overlap, allowing for efficient processing while maintaining the document's semantic integrity.
from langchain_community.document_loaders import PDFPlumberLoader
from langchain_text_splitters import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
# Load the PDF document
loader = PDFPlumberLoader("data/Introduction_LangChain.pdf")
# Split the document into manageable chunks
text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=200, chunk_overlap=0)
split_documents = loader.load_and_split(text_splitter)
Initialize Retrievers
This section initializes retrievers to implement two different search approaches. We create embeddings using OpenAI's text-embedding-3-small model and set up FAISS vector search based on these embeddings.
Additionally, we configure a BM25 retriever for keyword-based search, with both retrievers set to return the top 5 most relevant results.
from langchain_openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
from langchain_community.vectorstores import FAISS
from langchain_community.retrievers import BM25Retriever
# Initialize OpenAI embeddings
embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings(model="text-embedding-3-small")
# Initialize FAISS retriever with vector embeddings
faiss = FAISS.from_documents(
documents=split_documents, embedding=embeddings
).as_retriever(search_kwargs={"k": 5})
# Initialize BM25 retriever for keyword-based search
bm25 = BM25Retriever.from_documents(documents=split_documents)
bm25.k = 5
Implement Ensemble Retrievers
This section introduces a custom retriever implementing two ensemble search methods, designed to compare performance against LangChain's built-in EnsembleRetriever .
We implement both Reciprocal Rank Fusion (RRF) , which combines results based on document rankings, and Convex Combination (CC) , which utilizes normalized scores.
Both methods integrate results from FAISS and BM25 retrievers to provide more accurate and diverse search results, allowing users to select the most suitable ensemble approach for their needs.
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Optional
from langchain_core.retrievers import BaseRetriever
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from pydantic import BaseModel, model_validator
class EnsembleMethod(str, Enum):
RRF = "rrf" # Reciprocal Rank Fusion
CC = "cc" # Convex Combination
class EnsembleRetriever(BaseRetriever, BaseModel):
retrievers: List[BaseRetriever]
weights: Optional[List[float]] = None
method: EnsembleMethod = EnsembleMethod.RRF
c: int = 60
def validate_weights(cls, values):
weights = values.get("weights")
method = values.get("method", EnsembleMethod.RRF)
if not weights:
n_retrievers = len(values["retrievers"])
values["weights"] = [1 / n_retrievers] * n_retrievers
elif method == EnsembleMethod.CC and abs(sum(weights) - 1.0) > 1e-6:
raise ValueError("CC method의 경우 weights의 합이 1이어야 합니다")
return values
def _get_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]:
docs_list = [
retriever.get_relevant_documents(query) for retriever in self.retrievers
if self.method == EnsembleMethod.RRF:
return self._rrf_fusion(docs_list)
return self._cc_fusion(docs_list)
def _rrf_fusion(self, docs_list: List[List[Document]]) -> List[Document]:
Implements Reciprocal Rank Fusion algorithm
- Combines results based on document rankings
- Uses a constant 'c' to prevent high ranks from dominating
- Applies weights to different retrievers' contributions
from collections import defaultdict
scores = defaultdict(float)
for docs, weight in zip(docs_list, self.weights):
for rank, doc in enumerate(docs, 1):
scores[doc.page_content] += weight / (rank + self.c)
all_docs = []
seen = set()
for docs in docs_list:
for doc in docs:
if doc.page_content not in seen:
return sorted(all_docs, key=lambda x: scores[x.page_content], reverse=True)
def _cc_fusion(self, docs_list: List[List[Document]]) -> List[Document]:
Implements Convex Combination fusion
- Combines normalized scores from different retrievers
- Requires weights to sum to 1.0
- Handles cases with missing or zero scores
from collections import defaultdict
scores = defaultdict(float)
for docs, weight in zip(docs_list, self.weights):
max_score = max(
(doc.metadata.get("score", 1.0) for doc in docs), default=1.0
if max_score == 0:
max_score = 1.0
for doc in docs:
norm_score = doc.metadata.get("score", 1.0) / max_score
scores[doc.page_content] += weight * norm_score
all_docs = []
seen = set()
for docs in docs_list:
for doc in docs:
if doc.page_content not in seen:
return sorted(all_docs, key=lambda x: scores[x.page_content], reverse=True)
from langchain.retrievers import EnsembleRetriever as OriginalEnsembleRetriever
# Initialize the original LangChain EnsembleRetriever
original_ensemble_retriever = OriginalEnsembleRetriever(retrievers=[faiss, bm25])
# Initialize Ensemble Retriever with RRF (Reciprocal Rank Fusion) method
rrf_ensemble_retriever = EnsembleRetriever(
retrievers=[faiss, bm25], method=EnsembleMethod.RRF
# Initialize Ensemble Retriever with CC (Convex Combination) method
cc_ensemble_retriever = EnsembleRetriever(
retrievers=[faiss, bm25],
weights=[0.5, 0.5], # Equal weights for both retrievers
Compare and Test
This section presents a test function for comparing ensemble retrieval results.
While the RRF method , which follows LangChain's default implementation, produces identical results to Original , the CC method utilizing normalized scores and weights offers different search patterns.
By testing with real queries and comparing these approaches, we can identify which ensemble method better suits our project requirements.
pretty_print("What are the advantages of LangChain?")
[0] [Original] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
Introductions to all the key parts of LangChain you’ll need to know! Here you'll find high level
explanations of all LangChain concepts.
[0] [RRF] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
Introductions to all the key parts of LangChain you’ll need to know! Here you'll find high level
explanations of all LangChain concepts.
[0] [CC] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
Introductions to all the key parts of LangChain you’ll need to know! Here you'll find high level
explanations of all LangChain concepts.
[1] [Original] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
For a deeper dive into LangGraph concepts, check out this page.
LangChain is part of a rich ecosystem of tools that integrate with our framework and build on top of it. If
[1] [RRF] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
For a deeper dive into LangGraph concepts, check out this page.
LangChain is part of a rich ecosystem of tools that integrate with our framework and build on top of it. If
[1] [CC] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
For a deeper dive into LangGraph concepts, check out this page.
LangChain is part of a rich ecosystem of tools that integrate with our framework and build on top of it. If
[2] [Original] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
If you're looking to build something specific or are more of a hands-on learner, check out our tutorials
section. This is the best place to get started.
These are the best ones to get started with:
[2] [RRF] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
If you're looking to build something specific or are more of a hands-on learner, check out our tutorials
section. This is the best place to get started.
These are the best ones to get started with:
[2] [CC] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
LangChain simplifies every stage of the LLM application lifecycle:
Development: Build your applications using LangChain's open-source components and third-party
[3] [Original] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
Integration packages (e.g. , , etc.): Important
langchain-openai langchain-anthropic
integrations have been split into lightweight packages that are co-maintained by the LangChain
[3] [RRF] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
Integration packages (e.g. , , etc.): Important
langchain-openai langchain-anthropic
integrations have been split into lightweight packages that are co-maintained by the LangChain
[3] [CC] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
The LangChain framework consists of multiple open-source libraries. Read more in the Architecture
: Base abstractions for chat models and other components.
[4] [Original] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
LangChain simplifies every stage of the LLM application lifecycle:
Development: Build your applications using LangChain's open-source components and third-party
[4] [RRF] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
LangChain simplifies every stage of the LLM application lifecycle:
Development: Build your applications using LangChain's open-source components and third-party
[4] [CC] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
Read up on security best practices to make sure you're developing safely with LangChain.
[5] [Original] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
: Third-party integrations that are community maintained.
: Orchestration framework for combining LangChain components into production-ready
[5] [RRF] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
: Third-party integrations that are community maintained.
: Orchestration framework for combining LangChain components into production-ready
[5] [CC] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
If you're looking to build something specific or are more of a hands-on learner, check out our tutorials
section. This is the best place to get started.
These are the best ones to get started with:
[6] [Original] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
The LangChain framework consists of multiple open-source libraries. Read more in the Architecture
: Base abstractions for chat models and other components.
[6] [RRF] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
The LangChain framework consists of multiple open-source libraries. Read more in the Architecture
: Base abstractions for chat models and other components.
[6] [CC] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
Integration packages (e.g. , , etc.): Important
langchain-openai langchain-anthropic
integrations have been split into lightweight packages that are co-maintained by the LangChain
[7] [Original] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
Read up on security best practices to make sure you're developing safely with LangChain.
[7] [RRF] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
Read up on security best practices to make sure you're developing safely with LangChain.
[7] [CC] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
: Third-party integrations that are community maintained.
: Orchestration framework for combining LangChain components into production-ready
[8] [Original] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
Head to the reference section for full documentation of all classes and methods in the LangChain
Python packages.
🦜🛠 LangSmith
[8] [RRF] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
Head to the reference section for full documentation of all classes and methods in the LangChain
Python packages.
🦜🛠 LangSmith
[8] [CC] Q: What are the advantages of LangChain?
Head to the reference section for full documentation of all classes and methods in the LangChain
Python packages.
🦜🛠 LangSmith