This notebook explores the creation and use of an EnsembleRetriever in LangChain to improve information retrieval by combining multiple retrieval methods.
The EnsembleRetriever integrates the strengths of sparse and dense retrieval algorithms, using weights and runtime configurations for tailored performance.
Key Features
integrate multiple searchers: take different types of searchers as input and combine results.
# Configuration file to manage API keys as environment variablesfrom dotenv import load_dotenv# Load API key informationload_dotenv(override=True)
Creating and Configuring Ensemble Retrievers
Initializing an ensemble retriever Ensemble retrievers combine two discovery mechanisms
Sparse search: Uses BM25Retriever for keyword-based matching.
Dense search: Uses FAISS with OpenAI embedding for semantic similarity.
Initialize EnsembleRetriever to combine the BM25Retriever and FAISS searchers. Set the weights for each searcher.
from langchain.retrievers import BM25Retriever, EnsembleRetrieverfrom langchain.vectorstores import FAISSfrom langchain_openai import OpenAIEmbeddings# list sample documentsdoc_list = ["I like apples","I like apple company","I like apple's iphone","Apple is my favorite company","I like apple's ipad","I like apple's macbook",]# Initialize the bm25 retriever and faiss retriever.bm25_retriever = BM25Retriever.from_texts( doc_list,)bm25_retriever.k =1# Set the number of search results for BM25Retriever to 1.embedding =OpenAIEmbeddings()# Enable OpenAI embedding.faiss_vectorstore = FAISS.from_texts( doc_list, embedding,)faiss_retriever = faiss_vectorstore.as_retriever(search_kwargs={"k": 1})# Initialize the ensemble retriever.ensemble_retriever =EnsembleRetriever( retrievers=[bm25_retriever, faiss_retriever], weights=[0.7, 0.3],)
Query Execution
Perform retrieval for a given query using ensemble_retriever and compare results across retrievers.
Call the get_relevant_documents() method of the ensemble_retriever object to retrieve relevant documents.
# Get the search results document.query ="my favorite fruit is apple"ensemble_result = ensemble_retriever.invoke(query)bm25_result = bm25_retriever.invoke(query)faiss_result = faiss_retriever.invoke(query)# Output the fetched documents.print("[Ensemble Retriever]")for doc in ensemble_result:print(f"Content: {doc.page_content}")print()print("[BM25 Retriever]")for doc in bm25_result:print(f"Content: {doc.page_content}")print()print("[FAISS Retriever]")for doc in faiss_result:print(f"Content: {doc.page_content}")print()
[Ensemble Retriever]
Content: Apple is my favorite company
Content: I like apples
[BM25 Retriever]
Content: Apple is my favorite company
[FAISS Retriever]
Content: I like apples
# Get the search results document.query ="Apple company makes my favorite iphone"ensemble_result = ensemble_retriever.invoke(query)bm25_result = bm25_retriever.invoke(query)faiss_result = faiss_retriever.invoke(query)# Output the fetched documents.print("[Ensemble Retriever]")for doc in ensemble_result:print(f"Content: {doc.page_content}")print()print("[BM25 Retriever]")for doc in bm25_result:print(f"Content: {doc.page_content}")print()print("[FAISS Retriever]")for doc in faiss_result:print(f"Content: {doc.page_content}")print()
[Ensemble Retriever]
Content: Apple is my favorite company
Content: I like apple's iphone
[BM25 Retriever]
Content: Apple is my favorite company
[FAISS Retriever]
Content: I like apple's iphone
Change runtime config
You can also change the properties of a retriever at runtime. This is possible using the ConfigurableField class.
Define the weights parameter as a ConfigurableField object.
Set the field's ID to “ensemble_weights”.
from langchain_core.runnables import ConfigurableFieldensemble_retriever =EnsembleRetriever(# Set the list of retrievers. Here we use bm25_retriever and faiss_retriever. retrievers=[bm25_retriever, faiss_retriever],).configurable_fields( weights=ConfigurableField(# Set a unique identifier for the search parameter. id="ensemble_weights",# Set a name for the search parameter. name="Ensemble Weights",# Write a description of the search parameters. description="Ensemble Weights", ))
Specify the search settings via the config parameter when searching.
Set the weight of the ensemble_weights option to [1, 0] so that all search results are weighted more heavily toward BM25 retriever.
config ={"configurable":{"ensemble_weights": [1,0]}}# Use the config parameter to specify search = ensemble_retriever.invoke("my favorite fruit is apple", config=config)docs # Print the search result, docs.
[Document(metadata={}, page_content='Apple is my favorite company'),
Document(id='6280c2a3-b58f-474e-aeb6-d480bb44d49e', metadata={}, page_content='I like apples')]
This time, we want all search results to be weighted more heavily in favor of the FAISS retriever.
config ={"configurable":{"ensemble_weights": [0,1]}}# Use the config parameter to specify search = ensemble_retriever.invoke("my favorite fruit is apple", config=config)docs # Print the search result, docs.
[Document(id='6280c2a3-b58f-474e-aeb6-d480bb44d49e', metadata={}, page_content='I like apples'),
Document(metadata={}, page_content='Apple is my favorite company')]