Using SubGraphs allows you to build complex systems containing multiple components, where these components themselves can become graphs. A common use case for SubGraphs is building multi-agent systems.
The main consideration when adding SubGraphs is how the parent graph and SubGraph communicate, specifically how they pass state to each other during graph execution.
There are two scenarios:
When the parent graph and subgraphshare schema keys. In this case, you can add nodes with the compiled subgraph.
When the parent graph and subgraph have different schemas. In this case, you need to add a node function that calls the subgraph.
This is useful when the parent graph and subgraph have different state schemas and the state needs to be transformed before and after calling the subgraph.
I'll show you how to add subgraphs for each scenario below.
Setting up your environment is the first step. See the Environment Setup guide for more details.
The langchain-opentutorial is a package of easy-to-use environment setup guidance, useful functions and utilities for tutorials. Check out the langchain-opentutorial for more details.
You can set API keys in a .env file or set them manually.
[Note] If you’re not using the .env file, no worries! Just enter the keys directly in the cell below, and you’re good to go.
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from langchain_opentutorial import set_env
# Attempt to load environment variables from a .env file; if unsuccessful, set them manually.
if not load_dotenv():
"LANGCHAIN_PROJECT": "LangGraph Subgraph",
Case 1: When Sharing Schema Keys
Adding Nodes with Compiled SubGraphs
It's a common case where the parent graph and subgraph communicate through shared state keys. For example, in multi-agent systems, agents typically communicate through a shared 'messages' key. When a subgraph shares state keys with the parent graph, you can add it to the graph following these steps:
Define and compile the subgraph workflow (subgraph_builder in the example below)
Pass the compiled subgraph to the .add_node method when defining the parent graph workflow
from langgraph.graph import START, END, StateGraph
from typing import TypedDict
# TypedDict class for defining subgraph state, including name key shared with parent graph and family_name key exclusive to subgraph
class ChildState(TypedDict):
name: str # State key shared with parent graph
family_name: str
# First node of subgraph, sets initial value for family_name key
def subgraph_node_1(state: ChildState):
return {"family_name": "Lee"}
# Second node of subgraph, combines subgraph-exclusive family_name key and shared name key to create new state
def subgraph_node_2(state: ChildState):
# Perform update using family_name key only available within subgraph and shared state key name
return {"name": f'{state["name"]} {state["family_name"]}'}
# Define subgraph structure and set node connection relationships
subgraph_builder = StateGraph(ChildState)
subgraph_builder.add_edge(START, "subgraph_node_1")
subgraph_builder.add_edge("subgraph_node_1", "subgraph_node_2")
subgraph = subgraph_builder.compile()
Visualize the Graph.
from langchain_opentutorial.graphs import visualize_graph
visualize_graph(subgraph, xray=True)
# TypedDict class for defining parent graph state, containing only the name key
class ParentState(TypedDict):
name: str
company: str
# First node of parent graph, modifies the name key value to create new state
def node_1(state: ParentState):
return {"name": f'My name is {state["name"]}'}
# Define parent graph structure and set node connection relationships including subgraph
builder = StateGraph(ParentState)
builder.add_node("node_1", node_1)
# Add compiled subgraph as a node to parent graph
builder.add_node("node_2", subgraph)
builder.add_edge(START, "node_1")
builder.add_edge("node_1", "node_2")
builder.add_edge("node_2", END)
graph = builder.compile()
visualize_graph(graph, xray=True)
# Stream graph data chunk by chunk and print each chunk
for chunk in{"name": "Teddy"}):
{'node_1': {'name': 'My name is Teddy'}}
{'node_2': {'name': 'My name is Teddy Lee'}}
The final output of the parent graph includes the results of the subgraph calls.
To check the output of the subgraph, you can specify subgraphs=True when streaming.
# Stream and output subgraph data chunks sequentially
# Process streaming with subgraphs by setting subgraphs=True
for chunk in{"name": "Teddy"}, subgraphs=True):
((), {'node_1': {'name': 'My name is Teddy'}})
(('node_2:83ab5741-81c5-3032-fac4-c66046ee1e2c',), {'subgraph_node_1': {'family_name': 'Lee'}})
(('node_2:83ab5741-81c5-3032-fac4-c66046ee1e2c',), {'subgraph_node_2': {'name': 'My name is Teddy Lee'}})
((), {'node_2': {'name': 'My name is Teddy Lee'}})
Case 2: When Not Sharing Schema Keys
Adding Node Functions That Call Subgraphs
In more complex systems, you might need to define subgraphs with completely different schemas from the parent graph (cases where there are no shared state keys).
In such cases, you need to define a node function that calls the subgraph.
This function must transform the parent state into child state before calling the subgraph, and transform the results back into parent state before returning state updates from the node.
Below, we'll show how to modify the original example to call the subgraph within a node.
You cannot call more than one subgraph within the same node.
# Define subgraph state type (no shared keys with parent graph)
class ChildState(TypedDict):
# Keys not shared with parent graph
name: str
# First node of subgraph: sets initial value for name key
def subgraph_node_1(state: ChildState):
return {"name": "Teddy " + state["name"]}
# Second node of subgraph: returns name value as is
def subgraph_node_2(state: ChildState):
return {"name": f'My name is {state["name"]}'}
# Initialize subgraph builder and configure node connections
subgraph_builder = StateGraph(ChildState)
subgraph_builder.add_edge(START, "subgraph_node_1")
subgraph_builder.add_edge("subgraph_node_1", "subgraph_node_2")
subgraph = subgraph_builder.compile()
# Define parent graph state type
class ParentState(TypedDict):
family_name: str
full_name: str
# First node of parent graph: returns family_name value as is
def node_1(state: ParentState):
return {"family_name": state["family_name"]}
# Second node of parent graph: handles state transformation with subgraph and processes results
def node_2(state: ParentState):
# Transform parent state to subgraph state
response = subgraph.invoke({"name": state["family_name"]})
# Transform subgraph response back to parent state
return {"full_name": response["name"]}
# Initialize parent graph builder and configure node connections
builder = StateGraph(ParentState)
builder.add_node("node_1", node_1)
# Use node_2 function that calls subgraph instead of compiled subgraph
builder.add_node("node_2", node_2)
builder.add_edge(START, "node_1")
builder.add_edge("node_1", "node_2")
builder.add_edge("node_2", END)
graph = builder.compile()
Visualize the Graph
visualize_graph(graph, xray=True)
# Stream and output subgraph data chunks sequentially
# Process streaming with subgraphs by setting subgraphs=True
for chunk in{"family_name": "Lee"}, subgraphs=True):
((), {'node_1': {'family_name': 'Lee'}})
(('node_2:64295ff5-a73e-84c0-8221-a7621d6ee521',), {'subgraph_node_1': {'name': 'Teddy Lee'}})
(('node_2:64295ff5-a73e-84c0-8221-a7621d6ee521',), {'subgraph_node_2': {'name': 'My name is Teddy Lee'}})
((), {'node_2': {'full_name': 'My name is Teddy Lee'}})