Understanding common error types is crucial for building and maintaining robust graph-based workflows.
This tutorial introduces key LangGraph errors, demonstrates scenarios that trigger them, and guides you through resolving each error.
By intentionally causing these errors and troubleshooting them step-by-step, you’ll gain a practical understanding of LangGraph’s error-handling mechanisms.
Setting up your environment is the first step. See the Environment Setup guide for more details.
The langchain-opentutorial is a package of easy-to-use environment setup guidance, useful functions and utilities for tutorials. Check out the langchain-opentutorial for more details.
The GraphRecursionError error is raised when your LangGraph StateGraph exceeds the maximum number of steps during execution.
This safeguard prevents infinite loops caused by cyclic dependencies in your graph or overly complex graphs that naturally require many iterations.
Below is a case where the graph loops infinitely and never ends. In this case, an GraphRecursionError prevents the infinite loop.
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START, END
from langgraph.errors import GraphRecursionError
from typing import TypedDict
# Define the state structure for the graph
class GraphState(TypedDict):
input: str
# Define the first node
def node_1(state: GraphState):
print("---Node 1---")
return {"input": state["input"]}
# Define the second node
def node_2(state: GraphState):
print("---Node 2---")
return {"input": state["input"]}
# Build the graph
builder = StateGraph(GraphState)
builder.add_node("node_1", node_1)
builder.add_node("node_2", node_2)
# Define the edges between nodes
builder.add_edge(START, "node_1")
builder.add_edge("node_1", "node_2")
builder.add_edge("node_2", "node_1")
# Compile the graph
graph = builder.compile()
# Execute the graph with a recursion limit to prevent infinite loops
graph.invoke({"input": "test"}, {"recursion_limit": 10})
except GraphRecursionError as e:
print(f"GraphRecursionError occurred: {e}")
---Node 1---
---Node 2---
---Node 1---
---Node 2---
---Node 1---
---Node 2---
---Node 1---
---Node 2---
---Node 1---
---Node 2---
GraphRecursionError occurred: Recursion limit of 10 reached without hitting a stop condition. You can increase the limit by setting the `recursion_limit` config key.
For troubleshooting, visit: https://python.langchain.com/docs/troubleshooting/errors/GRAPH_RECURSION_LIMIT
If your graph is not an infinite loop and you set appropriate limits, it will work fine.
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START, END
from langgraph.errors import GraphRecursionError
from typing import TypedDict
# Define the state structure for the graph
class GraphState(TypedDict):
input: str
# Define the first node
def node_1(state: GraphState):
print("---Node 1---")
return {"input": state["input"]}
# Define the second node
def node_2(state: GraphState):
print("---Node 2---")
return {"input": state["input"]}
# Build the graph
builder = StateGraph(GraphState)
builder.add_node("node_1", node_1)
builder.add_node("node_2", node_2)
# Define the edges between nodes
builder.add_edge(START, "node_1") # Start the graph execution with node_1
builder.add_edge("node_1", "node_2") # Connect node_1 to node_2
builder.add_edge("node_2", END) # Connect node_2 to the END node
# Compile the graph
graph = builder.compile()
# Execute the graph with a recursion limit
# Invoke the graph with initial state and recursion limit
result = graph.invoke({"input": "test"}, {"recursion_limit": 5})
except GraphRecursionError as e:
print(f"GraphRecursionError occurred: {e}")
print(f"Execution succeeded: {result}")
The InvalidUpdateError is an error that occurs when a channel is updated with an invalid or incompatible set of updates. This typically indicates a mismatch between the updates being applied and the expected format or behavior of the graph.
This error is triggered when multiple nodes concurrently update the same state property in a StateGraph, and no mechanism exists to resolve these conflicts.
Parallel execution (e.g., fanout) causes multiple nodes to update the same state key.
LangGraph cannot determine how to merge these updates, resulting in the error.
from langgraph.errors import InvalidUpdateError
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START, END
from typing import TypedDict
# Define the state structure for the graph
class State(TypedDict):
input: str
# Define the first node
def node(state: State):
return {"input": "value_from_node"}
# Define the second node
def other_node(state: State):
return {"input": "value_from_other_node"}
# Build the graph
builder = StateGraph(State)
builder.add_node("node", node)
builder.add_node("other_node", other_node)
# Set up parallel execution
builder.add_edge(START, "node") # Start execution with node
builder.add_edge(START, "other_node") # Start execution with other_node in parallel
builder.add_edge("node", END)
builder.add_edge("other_node", END)
# Compile the graph
graph = builder.compile()
# Execute the graph
graph.invoke({"input": ""})
except InvalidUpdateError as e:
print(f"InvalidUpdateError: {e}")
InvalidUpdateError: At key 'input': Can receive only one value per step. Use an Annotated key to handle multiple values.
For troubleshooting, visit: https://python.langchain.com/docs/troubleshooting/errors/INVALID_CONCURRENT_GRAPH_UPDATE
Use a Reducer to Handle Conflicts
Reducers are essential for resolving conflicts when multiple nodes in a graph attempt to update the same state key during parallel execution. They define how to combine these updates, ensuring smooth and conflict-free operation.
import operator
from typing import TypedDict, Annotated
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START, END
# Define the state structure with a reducer
class State(TypedDict):
# Use a reducer to merge updates by appending to the list
input: Annotated[list, operator.add]
# Define the first node
def node(state: State):
return {"input": ["value_from_node"]}
# Define the second node
def other_node(state: State):
return {"input": ["value_from_other_node"]}
# Build the graph
builder = StateGraph(State)
builder.add_node("node", node)
builder.add_node("other_node", other_node)
# Set up parallel execution
builder.add_edge(START, "node") # Start execution with node
builder.add_edge(START, "other_node") # Start execution with other_node in parallel
builder.add_edge("node", END)
builder.add_edge("other_node", END)
# Compile the graph
graph = builder.compile()
# Execute the graph
result = graph.invoke({"input": []})
except InvalidUpdateError as e:
print(f"InvalidUpdateError: {e}")
print("Execution succeeded:", result)
The INVALID_GRAPH_NODE_RETURN_VALUE error in LangGraph occurs when a node in a StateGraph returns a value that is not a dictionary. Every node in your graph must return a dictionary with one or more keys that match the defined state schema.
from typing import TypedDict
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START, END
from langgraph.errors import InvalidUpdateError
# Define the state structure for the graph
class State(TypedDict):
input: str
# Define a node with an invalid return type
def bad_node(state: State):
# Incorrectly returns a list instead of a dictionary
return ["bad_node"]
# Build the graph
builder = StateGraph(State)
builder.add_node("bad_node", bad_node)
# Set up the edges
builder.add_edge(START, "bad_node")
builder.add_edge("bad_node", END)
# Compile the graph
graph = builder.compile()
# Execute the graph
graph.invoke({"input": "test"})
except InvalidUpdateError as e:
print(f"InvalidUpdateError: {e}")
InvalidUpdateError: Expected dict, got ['bad_node']
For troubleshooting, visit: https://python.langchain.com/docs/troubleshooting/errors/INVALID_GRAPH_NODE_RETURN_VALUE
Ensure the Node Returns a Dictionary
Nodes must always return a dictionary matching the state schema.
from typing import TypedDict
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START, END
# Define the state structure for the graph
class State(TypedDict):
input: str
# Define a valid node
def fixed_node(state: State):
# Returns a dictionary with the corrected input
return {"input": state["input"] + " corrected"}
# Build the graph
builder = StateGraph(State)
# Add the corrected node to the graph
builder.add_node("fixed_node", fixed_node)
# Define the edges
builder.add_edge(START, "fixed_node")
builder.add_edge("fixed_node", END)
# Compile the graph
graph = builder.compile()
# Define the initial state
initial_state = {"input": "test"}
# Execute the graph
result = graph.invoke({"input": "test"})
except InvalidUpdateError as e:
print(f"InvalidUpdateError: {e}")
print("Execution succeeded:", result)
Execution succeeded: {'input': 'test corrected'}
The MultipleSubgraphsError occurs when multiple subgraphs are invoked within a single LangGraph node, particularly when checkpointing is enabled for each subgraph. This restriction exists due to how LangGraph handles checkpoint namespacing for subgraphs.
from langgraph.errors import MultipleSubgraphsError
from typing import TypedDict
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START, END
from langgraph.checkpoint.memory import MemorySaver
import uuid
# Define the state structure for the subgraphs
class SubGraphState(TypedDict):
value: int
# Define the first subgraph node
def subgraph_node_1(state: SubGraphState):
return {"value": state["value"] + 1}
# Define the second subgraph node
def subgraph_node_2(state: SubGraphState):
return {"value": state["value"] * 2}
# Build the first subgraph
subgraph_builder_1 = StateGraph(SubGraphState)
subgraph_builder_1.add_node("subgraph_node_1", subgraph_node_1)
subgraph_builder_1.add_edge(START, "subgraph_node_1")
subgraph_builder_1.add_edge("subgraph_node_1", END)
checkpointer_1 = MemorySaver()
subgraph_1 = subgraph_builder_1.compile(checkpointer=checkpointer_1)
# Build the second subgraph
subgraph_builder_2 = StateGraph(SubGraphState)
subgraph_builder_2.add_node("subgraph_node_2", subgraph_node_2)
subgraph_builder_2.add_edge(START, "subgraph_node_2")
subgraph_builder_2.add_edge("subgraph_node_2", END)
checkpointer_2 = MemorySaver()
subgraph_2 = subgraph_builder_2.compile(checkpointer=checkpointer_2)
# Define the main graph state structure
class MainGraphState(TypedDict):
value: int
result: int
# Define the main graph node
def main_node(state: MainGraphState):
# Call two subgraphs within a single node
subgraph_output_1 = subgraph_1.invoke({"value": state["value"]})
subgraph_output_2 = subgraph_2.invoke({"value": state["value"]})
return {"result": subgraph_output_1["value"] + subgraph_output_2["value"]}
# Build the main graph
main_builder = StateGraph(MainGraphState)
main_builder.add_node("main_node", main_node)
main_builder.add_edge(START, "main_node")
main_builder.add_edge("main_node", END)
main_checkpointer = MemorySaver()
main_graph = main_builder.compile(checkpointer=main_checkpointer)
# Configure and execute the graph
config = {
"configurable": {
"thread_id": uuid.uuid4(),
result = main_graph.invoke({"value": 5, "result": 0}, config)
except MultipleSubgraphsError as e:
print(f"MultipleSubgraphsError: {e}")
MultipleSubgraphsError: Multiple subgraphs called inside the same node
Troubleshooting URL: https://python.langchain.com/docs/troubleshooting/errors/MULTIPLE_SUBGRAPHS/
Disable Checkpointing for Subgraphs
If you do not need to interrupt or resume the subgraphs, disable checkpointing by compiling them with checkpointer=False:
Best Practices for Avoiding MultipleSubgraphsError
Plan Subgraph Execution: Avoid invoking multiple subgraphs imperatively within a single node. Use modular design with separate nodes.
Use Checkpointers Judiciously: Only enable checkpointing for subgraphs where interruption and resumption are critical.
Debug Graph Logic: Visualize your graph or use debugging tools to understand where subgraph calls are being made.
from typing import TypedDict
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START, END
from langgraph.checkpoint.memory import MemorySaver
import uuid
# Define the state structure for the subgraphs
class SubGraphState(TypedDict):
value: int
# Define the first subgraph node
def subgraph_node_1(state: SubGraphState):
return {"value": state["value"] + 1}
# Define the second subgraph node
def subgraph_node_2(state: SubGraphState):
return {"value": state["value"] * 2}
# Build the first subgraph
subgraph_builder_1 = StateGraph(SubGraphState)
subgraph_builder_1.add_node("subgraph_node_1", subgraph_node_1)
subgraph_builder_1.add_edge(START, "subgraph_node_1")
subgraph_builder_1.add_edge("subgraph_node_1", END)
subgraph_1 = subgraph_builder_1.compile(checkpointer=False) # Disable checkpointing
# Build the second subgraph
subgraph_builder_2 = StateGraph(SubGraphState)
subgraph_builder_2.add_node("subgraph_node_2", subgraph_node_2)
subgraph_builder_2.add_edge(START, "subgraph_node_2")
subgraph_builder_2.add_edge("subgraph_node_2", END)
subgraph_2 = subgraph_builder_2.compile(checkpointer=False) # Disable checkpointing
# Define the state structure for the main graph
class MainGraphState(TypedDict):
value: int
result: int
# Define the main graph node
def main_node(state: MainGraphState):
subgraph_output_1 = subgraph_1.invoke({"value": state["value"]})
subgraph_output_2 = subgraph_2.invoke({"value": state["value"]})
return {"result": subgraph_output_1["value"] + subgraph_output_2["value"]}
# Build the main graph
main_builder = StateGraph(MainGraphState)
main_builder.add_node("main_node", main_node)
main_builder.add_edge(START, "main_node")
main_builder.add_edge("main_node", END)
# Compile the main graph
main_graph = main_builder.compile(checkpointer=MemorySaver())
# Config
config = {
"configurable": {
"thread_id": uuid.uuid4(), # Unique thread identifier for execution
result = main_graph.invoke({"value": 5, "result": 0}, config)
except MultipleSubgraphsError as e:
print(f"MultipleSubgraphsError: {e}")
print("Execution succeeded:", result)